Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan’s house is Kilkari Gunji. On Monday June 3, Natasha Dalal gave birth to a daughter. This good news was shared by Varun’s father and filmmaker David Dhawan. The…
Tag: Varun
First look of Varun Dhawan’s action entertainer ‘Baby John’ released, film to release on May 31
The first look of actor Varun Dhawan’s action entertainer ‘Baby John’ has been revealed and the film has been announced to be released in theaters on May 31. The makers have released…
Varun Dhawan wraps up Kerala schedule of ‘VD 18’
Mumbai, December 28: Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan on Wednesday announced the completion of the Kerala schedule of his upcoming film ‘VD18’, and shared beautiful glimpses from the picturesque location. Varun, who has…